MATLAB: Do I receive an “Error occurred during initialization of VM” error in a a java.log.xxxx file when trying to launch MATLAB 7.0 (R14) on a Windows XP machine


After installing MATLAB 7.0 (R14), it does not launch. The splash screen flashes and then nothing else happens. MATLAB does start in -nojvm mode however.
The following information was written to a java.log.xxxx file:
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for code cache
Stack Trace:
[0] jmi.dll:_mwJavaAbort@0(0, 0, 0x7816ff14, 0x00cde8e0 "ôèÍ") + 21 bytes
[1] jvm.dll:0x7816fe19(0x781fa300 "Could not reserve enough space f..", 0, 0x78164034, 0x781d01c9)
[2] jvm.dll:0x7814797f(0x00cdf144, 0x79b67568 "C:\MATLAB7/sys/java/jre/win32/jr..", 0x7c3428cf, 0x00cdf16c)
[3] jvm.dll:0x7817ac0b(0x79b66d30, 0x00cdf168, 0x00cdf144, 0x7c3536ed)
[4] jmi.dll:struct JNIEnv_ * __cdecl InitSunVM(bool)(0, 0x79b5e804 "MATLAB_JDB", 0x00cdf188 "üóÍ", 0x50000000) + 941 bytes
[5] jmi.dll:_InitJava(0x50000000, 0x793069ed, 0, 0x01454f40) + 77 bytes
[6] jmi.dll:_mljInit(0x01455ff0 " T@", 0, 0x01455ff0 " T@", 0x77f58a3a) + 6 bytes
[7] mcr.dll:public: void __thiscall mcrGlobalOptionsInternal::mcr_initialize(0x01455ff0 " T@", 0, 0x01452140) + 70 bytes
[8] mcr.dll:public: __thiscall mcrInstance::mcrInstance(class mcrOptions &,class MfileReader *)(0x00cdff04, 0x01455ff0 " T@", 271242, 0x4d5c3a43) + 265 bytes
[9] matlab.exe:0x00401c86(4194304, 0, 271242, 0x01452140)
[10] matlab.exe:0x00403e45(0x70a9f1ab, 0x80000002, 0x7ffdf000, 0xf0571cf0)
[11] kernel32.dll:0x77e814c7(0x00403cc0 "jth(U@", 0, 0, 1179807)
Fatal Java Exception detected at Wed Jun 16 10:51:45 2004
MATLAB Version: (R14)
Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP
Window System: Version 5.1 (Build 2600: Service Pack 1)
Processor ID: x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 4, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java is not enabled

Best Answer

In order to resolve this problem, update your video card drivers. You can do this by using Microsoft's Update utility or directly from the card manufacturer's website.