MATLAB: Do I receive an error message when trying to open a FIG-file with a very long pathname in MATLAB


When I am trying to load a FIG-file to a directory with very long name (277 characters long), by using the command:
I receive the error message:
??? Error using ==> load
Unable to read file d:\\Program Files\\MATLAB704\\work\\om-From-Matlab7\\PCBandPKG\\Apples-Card\\ApplesCardWith33PortsAndA7PM-PkgWith22PortsNov9_2004\\ApplesCardWith33PortsAndA7pmPkgWith22Ports\\a7pmPkgComplete\\a7pmPkgComplete4VddOvddGndOnly\\FigureFiles\\ZinAtPkg4CompletePkgWithVddOvddGnd_1.fig:
No such file or directory.
Error in ==> hgload at 44
fileVars = load(filename,'-mat');
Error in ==> openfig at 84
[fig, oldvis] = hgload(filename, struct('Visible','off'));
Also when I am trying to save a FIG-file under a directory that has a very long name, I receive the error message:
Error using ==> print
Error using ==> graphics\private\name
Cannot create output file d:\\Program Files\\MATLAB704\\work\\om-From-Matlab7\\PCBandPKG\\Apples-Card\\ApplesCardWith33PortsAndA7PM-PkgWith22PortsNov9_2004\\ApplesCardWith33PortsAndA7pmPkgWith22Ports\\a7pmPkgComplete\\a7pmPkgComplete4VddOvddGndOnly\\FigureFiles\\ZinAtPkg4CompletePkgWithVddOvddGnd_1.fig

Best Answer

There is a limitation in Windows operating system when accessing a file with a full path name which is longer than 259 characters (including the file name itself).
To work around this issue, make sure that the full path name (including the file name) is less than 259 characters.