MATLAB: Do I receive an error message saying: “??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions. Error in ==> spdiags at 114” when using the SPDIAGS function to create a 2-by-1 sparse matrix from a null matrix in MATLAB


When I execute the following command to create a 2-by-1 sparse matrix from the columns of a null matrix ([]):
spdiags([], 0, 2,1)
I expect MATLAB to return an empty matrix, but I receive the following error message:
??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in ==> spdiags at 114
a((len(k)+1):len(k+1),:) = [i i+d(k) B(i+(m>=n)*d(k),k)];

Best Answer

This is expected behavior in MATLAB. The SPDIAGS function results in an error message saying: "??? Index exceeds matrix dimensions." if the number of rows in the matrix B [ in the syntax "A = spdiags(B,d,m,n)" ] is less than the length of the diagonal of the sparse matrix to be created. Consider the following example:
A = spdiags([1 2], [0 1], 1, 2) % This is correct syntax as number_of_rows(B) = length_of_diagonal(A)
However, the following code would result in the error message:
A = spdiags([1 2], [0 1], 2, 2) % This is incorrect syntax as number_of_rows(B) < length_of_diagonal(A) which is 2
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