MATLAB: Do I receive an error message about “inductive cutsets” when I try to run the simulation that includes SimPowerSystems 4.1 (R14SP3) blocks

cutsetsinductivesimpowersystemsSimscape Electrical

When I run my simulation that includes SimPowerSystems blocks, I receive an error message similar to the following:
Error using ==> powersys\private\getABCD>getAPQ
Inductor in tree but there are no inductive cutsets. This is usually caused by an illegal transformer topology.
The model contains a 3-phase AC power source connected to an asynchronous machine.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 2007b (R2007b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The error is due to the fact that the inductance of the AC machine is connected directly in series with the source inductance in the 3-Phase Source block. In order to resolve this error you will need to put large resistors at the machine terminals (i.e. shunt resistors between phases and the ground) or eliminate the source inductance.
To eliminate the source inductance, you can open the 3-Phase Source block dialog and set the "Source Inductance" value to be 0. Alternatively, you can use a 3-Phase Programmable Voltage block instead of the 3-Phase Source block.
A revised error message has been introduced in SimPowerSystems 4.2 (R2006a) that is more clear, and explains how to avoid this issue.
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