MATLAB: Do I receive an error loading initial state when building a subsystem with Real Time Workshop 6.3 (R14SP3)

simulink coder

When I build a subsystem with the right-click Real-Time Workshop -> Build Subsystem, I receive the following error:
Error loading the initial state for model 'Subsystem'. Unable to find a matching block state corresponding to element 1 of signals structure array

Best Answer

In order to be able to build a subsystem properly, the initial state variable, which is set in the model's Configuration Parameters (Data Import / Export) must be an array that corresponds solely to the states in the subsystem.
Follow the steps below to set the initial state variables as array:
- Open the Configuration Parameters -> Data Import/Export pane
- Check the boxes with 'Time' and 'States', select the 'Format' option to 'Array'