MATLAB: Do I receive an error if I execute a MENU command with default units set to normalized


I set the default units of figure to normalized using:
If I execute an example given in documentation of the MENU function,
K = menu('Choose a color','Red','Blue','Green')
I receive the following error:
??? Error using ==> set
Width and height must be > 0.
Error in ==> menu>local_GUImenu at 238
set( menuFig, 'Position', [winLeftGap bottom winWide winHigh] );
Error in ==> menu at 53
k = local_GUImenu( xHeader, ArgsIn );

Best Answer

The ability to display a menu if the default units are set to normalized is not available in MATLAB 7.5 (R2007b).
To work around this issue, you will need to change your default units: