MATLAB: Do I receive an error about missing gateway when using Maple with SYMENGINE of Symbolic Math Toolbox 5.2 (R2009a)

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I receive an error when using SYMENGINE of the Symbolic Math Toolbox with Maple:
"Maple installed with the Symbolic Math Toolbox gateway" is missing
The Web-link to Maple given in the MATLAB Symbolic Toolbox manual does not lead to the related information. I have Maple running and need help to configure MATLAB or Maple for using this engine. The SYMENGINE Command was used in the way it is described in the documentation

Best Answer

To ensure that MATLAB is able to recognize the Maple Toolbox, you will need to update your version of Maple Toolbox to 12.01 for MATLAB 7.7 (R2008b), 13 for MATLAB 7.8 (R2009a) and 13 Update (November 2009) for MATLAB 7.9 (R2009b).
To update Maple Toolbox for MATLAB, you need to start Maple and select the menu item "Check for Updates" under the Tools menu. Once update is complete MATLAB should be able to locate Maple Toolbox.