MATLAB: Do I receive an assertion in portmgr.cpp:340:Error: Invalid port index 13 requested when 12 is the max port index for comp


When I try to generate HDL code for my model in R2019a, I receive an assertion error below. How do I resolve this error?
Assertion failed: b:\matlab\src\pir_core\base_core\portmgr.cpp:340:Error: Invalid port index 13 requested when 12 is the max port index for comp <Component CtxName="NLMS_loopback_ARM" RefNum="c204" UserName="crp_temp" RTTIClass ="class pir::NetworkInstComp" Network="n3"/>
Thanks a lot in advance.

Best Answer

This is not expected and you are run into an internal error.
Can you submit reproduction steps to