MATLAB: Do I receive an ‘abnormal program termination’ make utility error when attempting to generate code for the Tornado Target

abnormalerrormakeprogramrtwsimulink coderterminationtornadoutility

Why do I receive an 'abnormal program termination' make utility error when attempting to generate code for the Tornado Target?
I have made the needed modifications to the template makefile as specified in the Real-Time Workshop User's Guide Tornado section. I then ran my model and attempted to generate code for Tornado, but I received the following at the MATLAB prompt during the compilation:
### which is generated from
C:\MATLAB6p1\rtw\c\tornado\tornado2.tmf is up to date
### Building asyncdemo: e:\tornado\host\x86-win32\bin\make -f
e:/Tornado/host/x86-win32/powerpc-wrs-vxworks/bin/gcc -c -DCPU=PPC604
-DVXWORKS -W -nostdinc -fno-builtin
126/ -mlongcall -DMODEL=asyncdemo -DRT -DNUMST=4 -DTID01EQ=0
-IC:\MATLAB6p1/simulink/include -IC:\MATLAB6p1/extern/include
-IC:\MATLAB6p1/rtw/c/src -IC:\MATLAB6p1/rtw/c/libsrc
-IC:\MATLAB6p1/rtw/c/tornado/devices -Ie:/Tornado/target/h
-Ie:/Tornado/host/include/share -O asyncdemo.c
abnormal program termination
make: *** [asyncdemo.o] Error 0x3
I also tried running the demo, asyncdemo, and received the same error. How do I resolve this?

Best Answer

Here are the steps to troubleshooting this error:
1. Run the asyncdemo model to create the .mk file. Be sure to change (set) the Interrupt Control block 'Mode' parameter to be 'RTW' instead of 'Simulation.'
2. Open a DOS command window and cd into the directory where the .mk file exists
3. Next, run the make utility on the .mk file as follows:
make -f
If you receive the same error, it is usually caused by some environment variable setting in the template makefile (tmf). Please review the file and make the needed corrections.
If you do not receive this error, please do the following:
A. Run the make utility again as follows:
make -f -n >temp.bat
B. Run the temp.bat file which was created:
If you have no error, you may be running into a Windows issue which has to do with line wrapping. This effected Windows NT and older systems.
If you do get an error, an object file (either model_name.o or model_name.obj) will be created. Be sure to check this file for the possible error.