MATLAB: Do I receive a Windows Security Warning popup when I execute MATLABPOOL at the MATLAB command prompt

Parallel Computing Toolbox

When I execute the following line of code at the MATLAB command prompt, I get a security pop up from the Windows Operating system.

Best Answer

In order to workaround this behavior you can add ports as exceptions to your Windows Firewall using the following steps.
First, determine which ports need to be added as exceptions to your Windows Firewall settings. Execute the following line of code at the MATLAB command prompt to find out which ports are being used.
For example, when execute this command you will get something similar as follows:
port: 27372
hostname: 'COMPUTER'
pmodeport: 27373
Which means the first port being used is 27372. This port along with the 21 following (27372 to 27393) should be unblocked. Follow the below steps to add these ports to the Window's Firewall exception list
1. Navigate to your Control Panel
2. Click on Network Connections
3. Right click on your Area Connection and select properties
4. Click on the advance tab and then the settings button
5. Click on the ‘Exceptions’ tab of the Windows Firewall settings panel
6. Finally click the ‘Add Port’ button and add all 21 ports to the exception list.