MATLAB: Do I receive a warning with the WAVWRITE function in MATLAB 5.3 (R11)


The following warning is generated even though the data I am trying to write is within the [-1 +1 ] range. This did not occur in MATLAB 5.2 (R10).
Warning: Data clipped during write to file:test.wav
> In wavwrite.m (PCM_Quantize) at line 242
In wavwrite.m (write_wavedat) at line 260
In wavwrite.m at line 104

Best Answer

This problem occurs because '+1' cannot be written exactly to the WAV file; it will be 1-bit short of '+1', i.e., 1 - 1/32768 = 0.99996948242188 in 16-bit mode. This is what is producing the warning. It is ok to disregard the warning.