MATLAB: Do I receive a warning regarding a word size mismatch when updating a model that contains a Stateflow chart in Simulink


I have a model that contains a Stateflow chart. The target hardware for this model is the TI C2000. When I update the Simulink diagram of this model, I get the following warning:
The word size for "char" is specified as (16) in the "Hardware Implementation" section of Configuration Parameters. This is greater than the size (8) supported on the current machine. Results may be incorrect for signals of this type due to rounding/saturation effects.
I do not understand why this warning appears, since the choice of TI C2000 in the "Hardware Implementation" section is correctly specifying the word size for "char" as 16.

Best Answer

This error represented expected behavior in Simulink 7.0 (R2007b) and previous releases. However, the error message no longer appears in Simulink 7.1(R2008a).
Simulations performed in Simulink are typically done on a desktop machine where the default size of the "char" data type is 8. This could potentially differ from the default size of the "char" data type used on the target hardware.
If the size of the "char" data type specified in the "Hardware Implementation" section of the Configuration Parameters is different than that of the machine where simulations are performed, Simulink throws this warning to inform you that you may observe a difference between simulation results and actual code implementation.