MATLAB: Do I receive a warning message when I have more than 20 conditions in the truth table in Stateflow 6.3 (R14SP3)


I have a model in which there is a truth table with over 20 conditions specified. I receive the following warning message when I try to execute the model:
Truth table contains more than 20 conditions. Skipping (over/under)specification checks as it may take a long time
I do not know how to remove the 20-condition limit imposed on the Specification Check.

Best Answer

The ability to automatically remove the 20-condition limit on the Specification Check is not available in Stateflow 6.3 (R14SP3). The limit is set to 20 because the time required to complete the specification check for truth tables with over 20 conditions could be long.
To remove this limitation manually, follow these steps:
1. Open the files tt_check_specification.m and process_and_error_check_truth_table.m in the MATLAB editor. These files are located in the directory $MATLABROOT\toolbox\stateflow\stateflow\private\, where $MATLABROOT is the directory returned by the MATLAB command matlabroot.
2. In the file process_and_error_check_truth_table.m, there is a variable called "magicnumber" that is initialized to the value 20. Change it to a larger number to increase the limit.
3. In the file tt_check_specification.m, there is a variable called "rowLimit" that is initialized to the value 20. Change it to the same number that you assigned to the variable "magicnumber".
4. Save the files, quit and restart MATLAB, and issue the following command:
rehash toolboxcache