MATLAB: Do I receive a timeout error when using the BLOOMBERG.TIMESERIES function in Datafeed Toolbox 3.3 (R2009a)

Datafeed Toolbox

I am using the TIMESERIES function in Datafeed Toolbox 3.4 (R2009a) and I receive a timeout error when I execute the following command
c = bloomberg;
d = timeseries(c,'7267 JT Equity','VOLUME',floor(now));

Best Answer

One can resolve this issue by increasing the timeout property of the Bloomberg-MATLAB connection an then issuing the TIMESERIES function call.
c = bloomberg;
x = c.bbrt;
x.TimeOut = 100000;
d = timeseries(c,'7267 JT Equity','VOLUME',floor(now));
This is deprecated in the latest version of MATLAB.
The 'bloomberg' function is outdated and now MATLAB uses 'blp' to make connection with bloomberg. So the 'timeout' property in 'blp' function can be set as follows:
>> c = blp(p,ip,timeout);
where ‘p’ is the port number which can be set to ‘[]’ as default,
‘ip’ is the IP address which can be set to ‘[]’ as default and
‘timeout’ is the scalar parameter.
So, in above code, ‘blp’ creates a Bloomberg connection object c and return its properties.