MATLAB: Do I receive a “Singularity likely” warning when I use the QUAD function in MATLAB

mathematicsmatlab functionmatrixnumerical integration

For example when I execute the following command:
for i=1:10
for j=1:10
function k=func(x,i,j)
B=[4.73 7.905 11 14.14 17.28 20.42 23.56 26.72 29.86 32.98];
I receive the following warning message:
Warning: Maximum function count exceeded; singularity likely
what is the problem?

Best Answer

One problem is you have provided us with code for func, but you have quad calling sunc. I imagine that would leave MATLAB "singularly" confused. :)
OK, so assuming you simply cannot type well, look at your function. I'll modify it to be a function handle. I also changed some of the operators from * to .* and / to ./, just to be careful.
B=[4.73 7.905 11 14.14 17.28 20.42 23.56 26.72 29.86 32.98];
k = @(x,i,j) (B(i)*(-sin(B(i)*x)+sinh(B(i)*x)-((cos(B(i))-cosh(B(i)))./((sin(B(i))-sinh(B(i))))).*(cos(B(i)*x)+cosh(B(i)*x)))).*(B(j)*(-sin(B(j)*x)+sinh(B(j)*x)-((cos(B(j))-cosh(B(j)))./((sin(B(j))-sinh(B(j))))).*(cos(B(j)*x)+cosh(B(j)*x))));
So see what happens when you try to do the integration. Here, I plot each function as well as integrate it.
for i = 1:10
for j = 1:10
disp([i,j,integral(@(x) k(x,i,j),0,1,'RelTol',1e-10)])
ezplot(@(x) k(x,i,j),[0 1])
These are sufficiently oscillatory functions, with what appears to be a fair amount of subtractive cancellation involved for larger i and j, that numerical integration tools end up with problems.