MATLAB: Do I receive a segmentation violation when triggering off a non-logged signal with Real-Time Windows Target 2.5.1 (R14SP1)

externalgcb_extmodesourcebioindexloggedloggingmarksortinfoelementsfortrigsigmodertwtsignalsimulink coder

I have a model that uses two signals and two scopes. On the External Mode Control Panel, I am triggering signal logging of the first signal off of the second signal (a Step block, also seems to occur with a Ramp block). However, I am not logging the second signal. I have the trigger source set to "signal". When I try to connect, Real-Time Workshop downloads the model, but generates the following segmentation violation. This does not occur when I trigger the signal manually or when I log the signal.
Stack Trace:
[0] simulink.dll:int __cdecl gcb_ExtModeSourceBIOIndex(struct slBlock_tag const *,int,int)(0x20813c00, 0, 0, 0x21ea0370) + 15 bytes
[1] simulink.dll:void __cdecl MarkSortInfoElementsForTrigSig(struct slBlock_tag const *,int,int,struct SortInfo_tag *)(0x2258b1e0, 0x2686a348, 0, 1) + 136 bytes
[2] simulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl InitTrigSignal(struct slModel_tag *,struct slBlock_tag *,struct SortInfo_tag *,struct UploadBlkList_Tag * *)(0x20813c00, 0x2258b1e0, 0x2255f994, 0) + 203 bytes
[3] simulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl InitBdUploadInfo(struct slBlockDiagram_tag const *,struct BdUploadInfo_tag *)(0x206a6e20, 0x2255f980, 0, 0x22fc9390) + 733 bytes
The complete error messages is included below. A model that reproduces the error is also included below. To reproduce the error:
1. Open the model.
2. Build.
3. Connect. The model runs without error.
4. Disconnect.
5. Open External Signal & Triggering.
6. Set the trigger source to "signal".
7. Reconnect. The model loads, and then the error occurs. You will need to end the MATLAB task from outside the application.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a bug in Real-Time Windows Target 2.5.1 (R14SP1) in the way that it handles triggering off a signal that is not logged. The problem is actually with Real-Time Workshop External Mode in that the signal lists used by the trigger do not contain non-logged signals.
To work around this issue, specify that all signals be logged.