MATLAB: Do I receive a segmentation violation when I disable a linked Stateflow 4.0 (R12) and later chart while editing the library chart


I copy a Stateflow chart from my library into a new model. I then edit the source chart in the library. The changes made to the source chart are not updated in the chart in the new model. I disable the library link for Stateflow chart in my new model. I receive the following segmentation violation when I try to simulate my Stateflow model:
[0] sfmainmodel_sfun.dll:0x387f3eae(0x235ba9e8, 0x1f693cd0
"sfmainmodel/Chart/ SFunction ", 0x00df8140, 0x387f18df)
[1] sfmainmodel_sfun.dll:0x387f1825(0x235ba9e8, 0x1f693cd0
"sfmainmodel/Chart/ SFunction ", 0x1f693cd0 "sfmainmodel/Chart/ SFunction
", 0x00df855c)
[2] sfmainmodel_sfun.dll:0x387f18df(0x235ba9e8, 0x1f693cd0
"sfmainmodel/Chart/ SFunction ", 0x235ba9e8, 0x3880f403)
[3] sfmainmodel_sfun.dll:0x3880ed97(0x235ba9e8, 4, 0x1f79ebb8,
[4] sfmainmodel_sfun.dll:0x387f32fc(1, 0x1f005210, 4, 0x1f64dae0)
[5] sfmainmodel_sfun.dll:0x387f3b1c(1, 0x1f005210, 4, 0x1f64dae0)

Best Answer

This problem has been fixed in Stateflow 5.1.1 (R13SP1). If you are using a previous version, read the following:
This is a bug in Stateflow 4.0 (R12) and later in the way that information in a library chart is passed to its linked charts in existing models. There are no known workarounds.