MATLAB: Do I receive a segmentation violation when I click on a masked subsystem in Simulink 6.2 (R14SP2)


When I open the attached model, GenericSubsystem.mdl, and double click on the masked subsystem I receive the following error in a dialog box:
Error evaluating 'MaskCallback' callback of SubSystem block (mask) 'Subsystem'. Reference to a non-existent field 'X'.
If I click 'ok' on the dialog box, the Mask Parameters box appears. If I click 'ok' on the Mask Parameters box, I receive the following segmentation violation:
Register State:
EAX = 00000000 EBX = 117ccc18
ECX = 00cdafc0 EDX = 11d512e0
ESI = 117ccc18 EDI = 117f68d8
EBP = 00cdafcc ESP = 00cdaf40
EIP = 79a5235e FLG = 00210202
Stack Trace:
[0] dastudio.dll:public: bool __thiscall Dialog::applyChanges(void)(0x117ccc18, 0x117e6ae8, 0x11750b40, 0x01cdb040) + 94 bytes
[1] dastudio.dll:protected: bool __thiscall Dialog::handleButtonBarAction(class GLEvent const *)(0x118067d0, 0x117f68d8, 0x117d1960, 0x117e6ae8) + 43 bytes
[2] dastudio.dll:public: virtual bool __thiscall Dialog::glEventNotify(class GLEvent const *)(0x118067d0, 0xffffffff, 0x118067d0, 0) + 1811 bytes
[3] glee.dll:public: virtual void __thiscall GLWidget::notifyListeners(class GLEvent const *)(0x118067d0, 0, 0x7a3295e0, 0) + 138 bytes
[4] glee.dll:public: static void __cdecl GLEvent::processEvent(int)(0, 0x00cdb0ec, 0, 0x00cdb1d0) + 151 bytes
[5] uiw.dll:bool __cdecl UIW_DispatchUserMessage(int,int)(9227, 0, 0, 0x00030000 "Actx ") + 76 bytes

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 3 (R14SP3). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a bug in Simulink 6.2 (R14SP2) that occurs when mask parameters are changed while the mask dialog is open.
There are no workarounds.