MATLAB: Do I receive a segmentation violation after modifying any blocks in the SimDriveline library in SimDriveline 1.1 (R14SP2+)

blockdifferentialgearlibrarymodifysimdrivelineSimscape Driveline

I added an extra connection port to a block in the SimDriveline library. However, when I tried to re-open the block by double-clicking it, I received the following segmentation violation:
Segmentation violation detected at Mon May 30 14:43:42 2005
MATLAB Version: (R14) Service Pack 2
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 2000
Window System: Version 5.0 (Build 2195: Service Pack 4)
Processor ID: x86 Family 6 Model 11 Stepping 1, GenuineIntel
Virtual Machine: Java 1.5.0 with Sun Microsystems Inc. Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
(mixed mode)
Default Charset: ibm-5348_P100-1997
Stack Trace:
[0] libmx.dll:_mxSetFieldByNumber(0x197fe760, 0, 0, 0x1b8bfd20) + 59 bytes
[1] dastudio.dll:public: static struct mxArray_tag * __cdecl DADialog::allocateDialogSchemaMethod(class UDInterface *,char const *)(0x1b8bf9e0 "ôæ\xìæ\x", 0x79ac95cd, 0x1b508600, 0x19507c70 "Ø:\nz") + 181 bytes
[2] dastudio.dll:public: class UDInterface * __thiscall DADialog::createInterface(class UDInterface *,char const *,enum DialogBehavior)(0x1b8bf9e0 "ôæ\xìæ\x", 0x79ac95cd, 0, 0x1b508600) + 92 bytes
[3] dastudio.dll:class UDInterface * __cdecl DASCreateSimulinkDialog(class UDInterface *,bool,bool)(0x1b8bf9e0 "ôæ\xìæ\x", 1, 0, 0) + 67 bytes
[4] simulink.dll:class UDInterface * __cdecl slCreateBlockDialog(struct slBlock_tag *,enum DialogType,struct slDialogInfo_tag *,bool)(0x1b508600, 1, 0x1f5e37c4, 1) + 802 bytes
[5] simulink.dll:_maskOpenDialogBox(0, 0x00cdae83, 0x00508600, 0x00cdaea8 "ЮÍ") + 409 bytes
[6] simulink.dll:struct slErrMsg_tag * __cdecl BlockOpenMaskDlg(struct slBlock_tag *,struct BlockOpenRec *)(0, 0x1b508600, 0x79e29aec, 0x1ba62df8) + 46 bytes

Best Answer

We have verified that there is a bug in SimDriveline 1.1 (R14SP2+) in the way that the Differential gear block handles modifications.
To workaround this issue, select the block then execute the following command before double-clicking the modified library block:
set_param (gcb, 'DialogController', '');
It is not recommended or supported to modify a built-in library block as it contains callbacks and S-functions associated with the block that are not editable. Thus changing these blocks may lead to unexpected failures.