MATLAB: Do I receive a port dimension mismatch error when I use the variable selector block from the Signal Processing Blockset 6.8 (R2008b)


I have a model with a switch block feeding into a variable selector block. The switch block outputs a 16 element vector. However the variable selector block errors out since it expects only one element vector. I would like to know if the variable selector block requires only one element. I get the following error message when I update the attached model:
Error in port widths or dimensions. Output port 1 of 'sp_selector/Subsystem1/w_sx_A_sel' has 16 elements. This port does not accept the dimensions (or orientation) specified by the output signal.
Error in port widths or dimensions. Input port 1 of 'sp_selector/Subsystem1/w_A_sel_2' is a one dimensional vector with 1 elements.

Best Answer

The behavior arises due to the fact that the variable selector block selects rows or columns from its input data. If the input data is one-dimensional, the block is unable to determine the row or column.
Uncheck the "Interpret vector parameters as 1-D" option in all the Constant blocks in each subsystem, for the attached model, "sp_selector.mdl" and verify that it updates without any errors.