MATLAB: Do I receive a output which has the variable ‘eulergamma’ in it in Symbolic Math Toolbox 3.2.3 (R2008a)

Symbolic Math Toolbox

I receive outputs which have the term or variable 'eulergamma' when I execute certain commands using the Symbolic Math Toolbox.
syms u
f = sinc(u).^2.*(1-u);
a = int(f,u,0,1)

Best Answer

'Eulergamma' is generated by the Maple Engine in the Symbolic Math Toolbox 3.2.3 (R2008a). Eulergamma is a constant also referred to as Euler–Mascheroni constant. For more information regarding this, refer to the following page:
The value of 'eulergamma' can be substituted for using the SUBS command.