MATLAB: Do I receive a .NET assembly error during installation


The installation fails saying towards the end saying:
Application encountered an error and has to close see the logfile
I receive the following error in a log file:
Cannot register .NET assembly C:\Program Files\MATLAB\R2010b\bin\win32\dotnetcli.dll of the code group Mathworks_Zone

Best Answer

To resolve this problem, run the enableNETfromNetworkDrive.m file, from the $MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\winfun\NET folder.
where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation directory.
Open up a Windows Command Prompt by clicking on the Start Menu and go to All Programs, Accessories, and click on Command Prompt.
The .m file is a vbs script. You can start this script manually, by using the command below (all on one line):
cscript /nologo "$MATLAB\toolbox\matlab\winfun\private\addAssemblyToDotnetMathWorksZone.vbs" "$MATLAB\bin\win32\dotnetcli.dll" dotnetcli
NOTE: in the command above, both instances of $MATLAB must be replaced with the full path to the root directory of your MATLAB installation.
If this run successfully, try removing the MATLAB installation folder and reinstalling. Now the installation should proceed successfully.
This error can also occur if the installation files were downloaded to Program Files or a network drive. Try copying the installation files to a location such as C:\TEMP or a folder on the desktop and rerunning the installation.