MATLAB: Do I receive a missing S-function error when upgrading the model containing Fixed-Point blocks from Simulink 5.1 (R13SP1) to Simulink 6.0 (R14)

simulink fixed point

I have built my model using Simulink 5.1 (R13SP1) and am using the "Fixed Point Blockset – Sum" block from the library
The implementation of the block involved the S-function "sfix_add". I have since upgraded to Simulink 6.0 (R14) where the block was unified with the Sum block from the main Simulink library. When I build my model, I receive the following error.
Error using ==> rtwgen
Error in S-function 'MWsum_block/RemoteSum': S-Function 'sfix_add' does not exist.
I had broken the library links in my model and do not wish to replace each block with its updated version manually.

Best Answer

The design in Simulink 6.0 (R14) automatically maps the old fixed-point blocks to their new replacements when the model is loaded. Blocks with broken links typically do not give any trouble until the model is used with a newer version of Simulink. When used with a newer version of Simulink, however, blocks with broken links often cannot be used without repair.
You may use the MATLAB command
to automatically correct all the broken links for the old Fixed-point blocks.