MATLAB: Do I receive a make error in Stateflow when I have a # character in the directory name


When I am in a directory with a pound sign, for example #mydir or ##mydir, I receive a make error when I try to simulate my Stateflow model.
lcc preprocessor fatal: Can't open input file -c
"d:\matlab6p5p1\sys\lcc\bin\lcc.exe" -c -Zp8 -DMATLAB_MEX_FILE -noregistrylookup -I"d:\matlab6p5p1\sys\lcc\include" -I"d:\matlab6p5p1\extern\include" -I"d:\matlab6p5p1\simulink\include" -I"d:\matlab6p5p1\stateflow\c\mex\include" -I"d:\matlab6p5p1\stateflow\c\debugger\include"
-I"g:\1427087\giac# "giac_sfun.c"
d:\matlab6p5p1\sys\lcc\bin\lccmake: Error code 1

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2012b (R2012b).
For previous product releases: All make utilities treat # as a comment character and this leads to generated code failing to compile.
The only workaround is to not to use the # character in the directory name.