MATLAB: Do I receive a division by zero warning when using the Fuzzy Logic Controller block in Fuzzy Logic Toolbox 2.2.8 (R2008b)

averagingblockbycontrollerdefuzzificationdivisionfuzzyFuzzy Logic Toolboxlogicwarningzero

I have a simple model with a Fuzzy Logic Controller block. I unchecked the option "Conditional input branch execution" in Configuration Parameters and one of my inputs lies outside of the membership definitions. The de-fuzzification block inside the fuzzy logic controller will give the following warning:
Warning: Division by zero in 'div_by_zero/Fuzzy Logic Controller/FIS Wizard/Defuzzification1/Averaging(COA)'.

Best Answer

This enhancement has been incorporated in Release 2009b (R2009b). For previous product releases, read below for any possible workarounds:
The warning is displayed because there is an input of zero for the Divide block inside the de-fuzzification subsystem.
To work around this issue activate the option "Conditional input branch execution" in Configuration Parameters.