MATLAB: Do I receive a DataType Mismatch error in the SimPowerSystems model

booleandoublemotorr13simpowersimpowersystemsSimscape Electrical

When I try to run my SimPowerSystems model I receive the following error message:
Data type mismatch. Input port 3 of block 'circuit_test/DC Motor1/Ia_mot/source/GTO-IGBT Bridge/model1/Tail /Product' expects a signal of data type 'double'. However, it is driven by a signal of data type 'boolean'

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed for Release 14 (R14). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
There is a problem with SimPowerSystems 2.3 (R13) that is due to the fact that the power circuit is simulated in continuous mode, but the control system is Discrete (Sample time Ts=10e-6 sec).
Although this is theoretically possible, we do not recommend to mix continuous power circuit and discrete control. In order to obtain acceptable performance with large systems, we recommend to discretize the entire system. When the power circuit is discretized the problem does not exist.
Nevertheless, it is being considered for a future release of SimPowerSystems to allow mixed continuous circuit/discrete control. In the mean time, we recommend to use discretization for power electronic models as explained in the documentation that can be accessed by typing the following command at the MATLAB 6.5 (R13) command prompt:
web([docroot '/toolbox/powersys/adv_ch35.html'])