MATLAB: Do I receive a “could not create” error when validating the local cluster profile

Parallel Computing Toolbox

The validation for my local cluster profile fails with the following error on the Job test stage:
Description:The validation stage encountered a MATLAB exception.
Command Line Output:(none)
Error Report:
Could not create a temporary directory for the attached file archive.

Best Answer

This error is most likely due to a permissions problem related to the folder of the JobStorageLocation.  This location varies by OS, but can be found on a given machine by running the following command:
Make sure that you have the appropriate permissions to the folder listed.  If you do not have permissions to that folder, you can change the folder used by the scheduler via the Cluster Profile Manager:
1) Select the MATLAB 'Parallel' menu
2) Select 'Manage Cluster Profile'
3) Highlight the relevant local profile and click the "Edit" button
4) Enter a folder into the "JobStorageLocation" field