MATLAB: Do I not see the Windows command prompt when I execute the magicsquare example in MATLAB Compiler 4.11 (R2009b) documentation

applicationconsoleMATLAB Compilerstandalonewindows

I follow the magicsquare example in MATLAB Compiler 4.11 (R2009b) documentation:
web([docroot '/toolbox/compiler/br5w5e9-16.html'])
to create an EXE application.
When I run my standalone application from the Windows command prompt, there is no output.
I am looking for instructions what target to select when creating a new project in the DEPLOYTOOL GUI but I am unable to find it.

Best Answer

This change has been incorporated into the documentation in Release 2010b (R2010b). For previous releases, read below for any additional information:
The magicsquare example in the documentation creates a Windows standalone application. When you execute a Windows standalone application, the Windows command prompt will not be displayed. Additionally, any output that is sent to the system console also will not be displayed.
In order to view the command line, the target application should be specified to be "Console Application". In the first step of section "Creating a Deployable Standalone Application or Shared Library", you have to select "Console Application".
Note that specifying the target application as "Console Application" ensures that the system console is display. To see any output from the application in the system console, you need to add commands such as DISP or FPRINTF.