MATLAB: Do I not see the ‘Open Model’ button when I have an image as the MaskDisplay on the Model block in Simulink 6.0 (R14)


I have a model that has a Model block, and thus references another model. In the top-level model, I have an image for the display of the Model block, as set with the following command:
set_param (gcb, 'MaskDisplay','image(imread(''b747.jpg'')')
When I have this image on the Model block, I double click on the block and do not see the 'Open Model' button that I normally see. I can reproduce this using the models attached below.

Best Answer

We have verified this is a bug in Simulink 6.0 (R14) in the way a Model block handles having an image. As a workaround, you can right-click on the Model block and select 'Open Model' to open the referenced model.