MATLAB: Do I need to update the model that contains the Embedded MATLAB Function block in a previous release when using it in Simulink 7.7 (R2011a)


The Embedded Matlab Function block cannot be found in the Simulink library browser of release R2011a. However, MATLAB Function block can be found in the Simulink Library browser of release R2011a. Then is it mandatory to do some model conversion (updating) for models set up in Simulink 7.6 (R2010b) where Embedded MATLAB Function blocks are used or the models should be rebuilt.
MATLAB documentation states:
"Compatibility Consideration: If you have scripts that refer to Embedded MATLAB library blocks by path, you need to update the script to reflect the new block name."
I therefore think that the Attribute Function block DOES 'refer to Embedded MATLAB library blocks by path' and thus needs to be updated. On the other hand, the Discrete Event Subsystem block DOES NOT 'refers to Embedded MATLAB library blocks by path' and thus needn't to be updated.

Best Answer

In this scenario, the SLUPDATE function will ensure to update the 'Attribute Function/Embedded MATLAB Function' blocks in your model, i.e. the Embedded MATLAB Function implied in Attribute Function blocks.
The Attribute Function block does refer to Embedded MATLAB library blocks by path and thus needs to be updated. On the other hand, the Discrete Event Subsystem block does not refer to Embedded MATLAB library blocks by path and thus needn't be updated.
NOTE: There is no need to update the model that contains only Embedded MATLAB Function blocks in Simulink.