MATLAB: Do I need to set the Substrate property in the pcbStack function

Antenna Toolboxpcbstacksubstrate

When designing custom planar antennas with pcbStack, default advice is for customers to define their own metal and dielectric layers and ensure a substrate definition exists to support fabrication.
pcbStack does not seem to have a documented Substrate argument (e.g. for assigning defined dielectric layers).
If I have a multi-layer dielectric comprising, say, 3 separate dielectric definitions d1, d2, d3, then how do I assign the composite dielectric to pcbStack?
Is it:
sub = d1+d2+d3;
pcbStack.Substrate = sub;
pcbStack.Layers = { metal d1 d2 d3 ground };
or just:
pcbStack.Layers = { metal d1 d2 d3 ground };

Best Answer

The Substrate property of pcbStack is set automatically when setting the Layers property, hence in the code you would write just the following:
pcbStack.Layers = { metal d1 d2 d3 ground };
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