MATLAB: Do I need to reset Fsolve Parameters if I use Fsolve twice in the code

differential equationsfsolvesolve

Hi All
If I have to use Fsolve twice in my code, do I need to reset any paramter ?
[x,fval,exitflag,output] = fsolve(fun,x0initial,options);

Best Answer

No. However if you do not change any of the parameters and the function does not involve random variables, then the second call would give the same result as the first call.
fsolve does not modify any of the input parameters.
I do sometimes see people using code such as
x = [0,10]
x = fzero(SomeFunction, x0, x);
and then get surprised when they try to use x as if it were still the vector instead of having been replaced with the specific solution.
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