MATLAB: Do I need to include “matlab.h” in the driver application that uses MATLAB Compiler 4.0 (R14) generated C shared library Compilermatlab.hmclmcr.hshared

I am trying to build a driver application that uses a MATLAB Compiler 4.0 (R14) generated C shared library with the MBUILD command. I am not sure if I have to include "matlab.h" header in the driver application, because I am used to include in driver applications that use C shared library target generated in previous versions.

Best Answer

The "matlab.h" header is no longer need to be included in the driver applications that use C shared libraries. To build an application that uses a MATLAB Compiler generated C shared library, include only the header file that gets generated along with the C shared library.
For additional information, see the link below for an example on C shared library target: