MATLAB: Do I have to set MultiTaskDSMMsg to ‘error’ even though there are no Data Store Memory blocks in the model

AUTOSAR Blocksetdsmmultitaskingsimulink

I have a model which contains no Data Store Memory blocks, but when I try to update diagram, I get this error:
The current diagnostic settings for model 'myModel' are not valid because the model
contains root-level Inport block 'myModel/Inport' that outputs a function-call signal.
See errors reported below for details.
Caused by:
The 'Multitask data store' option in the Data Validity Diagnostics pane of the
Configuration Parameters dialog box for model 'myModel' is not set to 'error'.
Suggested Actions
Set 'Multitask data store' in 'myModel' to 'error'.
Here is a screenshot of my model:

I do not have any Data Store Memory blocks in my model, so why do I need to set MultiTaskDSMMsg to "error"?

Best Answer

The requirement to set the Multitask datastore diagnostic to “error” is a conservative requirement to avoid any data integrity issues. Since a Data Store Memory could be accessed from different tasks and export-function models do not provide any data protection, we require this setting to be set to "error" if the export functions are triggered with asynchronous calls. This setting is a global setting and does not check the model for existence of datastores.