MATLAB: Do I have a message “System error No such file or directory (noent: No such file or directory)” on the Queue Manager

launchermanagerpolyspacePolyspace Client for C/C++Polyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Serverqmqueueremoterl

Launching a verification on Polyspace server from client side, I obtain a message like the following at the end of compilation phase:
An error occured while sending the verification to the queue
Then on the Polyspace server, Queue Manager log file displays a message like the following:
System error No such file or directory (noent: No such file or directory)
Error: Could not create a temporary file in "/tmp/Polyspace/12345_1234567689"

Best Answer

This problem can arise when the temporary folder has been cleaned and polyspaced service was still running on the server machine.
The polyspaced service is using a temporary folder where all temporary files are put in. If folder has been removed externally, then the service complains with a message in the polyspaced.log file and cannot work anymore.
It exists two workarounds:
1. Recommended: stop and restart Queue Manager service on the Polyspace server machine.
2. Create the missing folder in the temporary folder. For instance, create with adequate read/write access rights the folder "/tmp/Polyspace/12345_1234567689"