MATLAB: Do I get warnings related to locale database with compiled applications


I have built a compiled application using MATLAB. When I run it, I get the following warnings:
fl:i18n:InvalidLocaleDatabase - The locale database is invalid. The MATLAB p
rocess default locale is set to "en_US.US-ASCII".
In R2010b and releases prior to it, the error message is:
MATLAB:I18n:InvalidLocaleDatabase - The locale database is invalid. The MATLAB p
rocess default locale is set to "en_US.US-ASCII".

Best Answer

The valid character sets supported by MATLAB are:
2. UTF-8
3. Shift_JIS
4. ISO-8859-1
To avoid the warning messages, please modify your MATLAB code to direct MATLAB to use one of the supported character sets, for example, the UTF-8 character set. This can be done by invoking the FEATURE command as follows: