MATLAB: Do i get this error


In a gui, I used a push button with a callbackfunction.
p1 = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Browse','Position',[480,500,150,50],'callback',{@browse_button_Callback});
"Error:Too many input arguments" I am totally unaware of the mistake.

Best Answer

The first two inputs of a callback function are
  1. The object handle
  2. An event data structure
See this for more info.
If those are your only inputs, remove the curly brackets around your function call.
p1 = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton','String','Browse','Position',[480,500,150,50],'callback',@browse_button_Callback);
Use the curly brackets to pass additional inputs to your callback function. For example
p1 = uicontrol(..., 'callback',{@browse_button_Callback, data});
will pass the 'data' variable as the third input to browse_button_callback().
If you're not passing additional inputs to your callback function, you should only have those first two inputs.
If that doesn't help, please provide the actual callback function.