MATLAB: Do I get the error “Undefined function or variable ‘t’.” when using an event with ode45

erroreventlocationfunctionMATLABmatlab functionode45undefined

When trying to use an event with ode45 to find when the value of a function is 0, I get the error "Undefined function or variable 't'." Here is the code:
function [t,yforced] = forceFunction(odeFun,tSpan,y0,event)
%forceFunction Force the function to 0 and define a piecewise function
% See above.
options = odeset('Events',event);
[t,y,te,ye,ie] = ode45(odeFun,tSpan,y0,options);
y(ie:end) = 0;
yforced = y;
I try to use this as follows:
>> [t,yforced] = forceFunction(@(t,y) -2*t,[0,10],10,eventLessOne(t,y));
function [position,isterminal,direction] = eventLessOne(t,y)
%eventLessOne Event to find when the function is less than one.
% See above
position = y(1);
isterminal = 1;
direction = 0;
I do not know why this is happening, as this is almost directly copied from the MATLAB documentation.

Best Answer

[t,yforced] = forceFunction(@(t,y) -2*t, [0,10], 10, @(t,y) eventLessOne(t,y));