MATLAB: Do I get the error “Fatal error decompressing, decrypting, or copying archive” when installing MATLAB


Why do I get one of the following errors when attempting to install the Professional Version of MATLAB?
ERROR: Fatal error decompressing archive

ERROR: Fatal Error decrypting archives


ERROR: Fatal Error copying archives

Best Answer

These error messages usually occur when there is some difficulty with the CD-ROM. The problem is either the CD-ROM drive, or the CD media.
Testing for problems with the CD-ROM drive:
Try running the installation from another machine. You do not have to run through the entire installation process, you just need to check if you can get past the point when you received the error on the original machine. If you are able to install on another machine, the problem is probably with your CD-ROM drive.
You can try installing remotely to get over this problem:
1. Place the MATLAB CD into a CD-ROM drive that your machine is networked to.
2. Right-click on the CD-ROM drive icon for this machine and choose "Properties".
3. Go to the "Sharing" tab in the Properties window and select "Share As" and give it a share name.
4. Go back to the machine onto which you want to install MATLAB and double-click the "Network Neighborhood" icon on the desktop.
5. Find the machine in which you used the CD-ROM drive from the list and double-click on its icon.
6. There should be a directory with the name you used as the share name in step 3. Open this directory. You should see the contents of the MATLAB CD.
7. Run setup.exe from this directory to run the MATLAB Installation.
Testing for problems with the CD media:
If you receive the same error on multiple machines (with the same CD media), try copying the contents of the CD onto your hard drive. You can run setup.exe from the directory you copied these files into.
If you have problems copying the contents onto your hard drive, AND you have this problem on multiple machines, you probably have a bad CD. You can request a new CD through our Customer Service Department. They can be reached at or (508)647-7000.
Other possible reasons for seeing these errors are:
1. This error may be encountered if a file called "MATLAB" exists in the root directory of the C:\ drive and the default installation location (C:\MATLAB) is chosen. The installer is unable to create the C:\MATLAB folder due to the name conflict. As workarounds, you can either rename the MATLAB file to a different name or choose an alternative location to install MATLAB.
This issue was addressed as of MATLAB 6.0 (R12).
2. This error message can also be caused by attempting to install onto a file system which does not support long filenames (i.e. A Novell Network without long-filename support enabled). The only workaround is to install to a file system which supports long file names.
3. Another possible reason for this error message is that you do not have sufficient disk space to copy the temporary files. In order to copy the temporary files, you will need approximately 90MB of disk space, above what is specified by the installer, on your C:\ drive.
4. Also, please verify that your license has not expired. If it has expired and you would like to renew your license, please contact our Customer Service .