MATLAB: Do I get the error ‘Failure to load the device plug-in’ when connecting to a CAN device

vehicle network toolbox

In MATLAB R2017b, I am trying to construct a CAN channel connected to my Vector VN1610 device, either using the command
or through Vehicle CAN Bus Monitor. However, I receive the following error message:
Error using asyncioimpl.Channel
Failure to load the device plug-in.
Error in asyncio.Channel (line 104)
obj.ChannelImpl = asyncioimpl.Channel(devicePluginPath,...
Error in can.vector.Channel (line 213)
obj.AsyncioChannel = asyncio.Channel(devicePath, converterPath, asyncioOptions, [Inf, 0]);
Error in canChannel (line 71)
channel = can.vector.Channel(varargin{:});

Best Answer

The reason for this error message might be an outdated device driver.
Please download the Hardware Support Package for Vector CAN Devices as described in the following documentation page:
In the Vector driver setup, make sure you select to upgrade the drivers for your particular device family.