MATLAB: Do I get the error “cannot find ***.dll” when I distribute a stand-alone application to a Japanese Win2000 PC using the MGLINSTALLERr

distributedistributeddistributionjapaneseMATLABMATLAB C/C++ Math Librarymglinstaller

Why do I get the error "cannot find *.dll" when I distribute a stand-alone application to a Japanese Win2000 PC using the MGLINSTALLER?
I am using MATLAB 6.1 (R12.1) on a PC running Windows.

Best Answer

There is no Japanese version of the MGLINSTALLER. The problem occurs because the current MGLINSTALLER does not include a DLL called
in the $MATLAB\bin\win32.(where $MATLAB is the MATLAB installation directory). This is needed for Japanese PCs.
Therefore, the resolution is to copy this file, comp_ja.dll, into the bin/win32 directory created by the MGLINSTALLER.