MATLAB: Do I get the complete path of a file in the print dialogbox only the first time I print on UNIX


Why do I get the complete path of a file in the print dialogbox only the first time I print on UNIX?
1. From the Figure window, I select File / Print…
2. On the Print dialog, I click File and Browse…
3. On the Select Output File Name dialog, I fill in "Enter path or folder name", press Update, fill in "Enter file name", and press OK…..
4. The Print dialog now shows the full path name to the file that I specified. I press OK and the file is created as specified.
Now, I try to print again. Going through the same process, I see that the path or folder name I set before is still present in the Select Output File Name dialog. I enter a new file name, and press OK.
Now on the Print dialog, the 'File' field shows only the file name, not the complete path. When I press OK, the file is printed to a file in the default directory (the directory where I started MATLAB), not a file in the directory shown in the Select Output File Name dialog.

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
This is a bug in MATLAB 6.1 (R12.1). Our development staff has been notified and is currently looking into addressing this problem in a future release of MATLAB.
The only known workaround is to manually type in the full path name in the File field on the print dialog every time you print.