MATLAB: Do I get errors when I try to install the Xilinx System generator plugin with SIMULINK Coder 8.3 (R2012b)

simulink coder

I am trying to use Xilinx System Generator for DSP with Simulink and HDL Coder. I've already installed Microsoft SDK 7.1 and run the mex -setup command successfully. However, when I try to install the plugin:
>> xlInstallKintex7DSPKitPlugin('');
I get the following error:
The system cannot find the file specified.
Error using xlInstallPlugin (line 22)
Invalid MEX-file 'C:\Xilinx\14.3\ISE_DS\ISE\sysgen\bin\nt64\xlgetpath.mexw64': A dynamic
link library (DLL) initialization routine failed.
Error in xlInstallKintex7DSPKitPlugin (line 22)
Also, when I checked with the Dependency Walker, I found out that my system does not have MSVCR80.DLL and SYSGEN.DLL files

Best Answer

Please note that the files "" and "xlgetpath.mexw64" and "SYSGEN.DLL" are not shipped by The MathWorks and are products of Xilinx. Please contact Xilinx support for any issues regarding these files.
Also, MSVCR80.DLL is a file which is not expected to be present in every computer. It is installed along with MS Visual Studio. However, if MS SDK 7.1 is already installed and the compiler is setup successfully, this file may not be required.