MATLAB: Do I get errors running MAAB checks I used to run successfully in previous versions of Simulink in Simulink Verification and Validation 3.5 (R2013a)

Simulink Check

I am configuring the Model Advisor in R2013a. We previously used a configuration for R2011b. In the new configuration, I want to add any new checks (that we want to use). However, for three of the tests previously used (jc_0541, db_0126, jm_0013) I get the following error message when I try to run the check.
ERROR: Unable to locate check mathworks.maab.jc_0541. This might be due to a missing sl_customization.m file or toolboxes that are not installed.

Best Answer

The following 3 MAAB checks were removed from release R2012a:
jc_0541: Use of tunable parameters in Stateflow
The check for this rule was removed not because the guideline was removed, but because the guideline was modified. In R2011b the check was defined by the guideline at the following URL:
i.e. there was only one valid way to include tunable parameters in a Stateflow chart (as inputs to the chart). From R2012a the guidelines had changed to allow both ways of including tunable parameters in a Stateflow chart as the following URL shows:
The jc_0541 MAAB check was checking that all tunable parameters should be included as inputs to the Stateflow chart, but as that rule has been relaxed there is no longer any need for the check.
db_0126: Scope of events:
This check was removed as machine parented events are not allowed as of R2009a and therefore is no longer relevant to any future versions of MATLAB. The guidelines state this rule applies only to versions pre R2009b.
jm_0013: Annotations:
This rule was originally written due to a printing bug in MATLAB version R13. This bug has been fixed as of MATLAB R14 SP1 and the check rendered obsolete.