MATLAB: Do I get an “Undefined function” error when trying to use the ATRACE or ASHOW commands in Simulink 8.0 (R2012b)


I am trying to find and fix algebraic loops in my model. I searched the Simulink documentation and found the ATRACE and ASHOW commands. I then took the following steps:
1. I opened my Simulink model.
2. I went back to the MATLAB command prompt, and typed in the following:
>> atrace 4
However, I get the following error:
Undefined function 'atrace' for input arguments of type 'char'.
Did you mean:
>> trace 4
3. Similarly, I then tried using the ASHOW command:
>> ashow
Again, I get an error:
Undefined function or variable 'ashow'.
Why am I unable to use the ATRACE and ASHOW commands in Simulink 8.0 (R2012b)?

Best Answer

The ATRACE and ASHOW commands are Simulink Debugger commands that need to be used within the Simulink debugger. In order to open the Simulink Debugger from the command line, you can use the SLDEBUG command.
For example, the following series of commands opens the Simulink Debugger for the top-level Simulink system, sets the algebraic trace level to 4, and looks for algebraic loops:
>> sldebug(bdroot)
(sldebug @0): >> atrace 4
Algebraic loop tracing level : 4
(sldebug @0): >> ashow
No Algebraic loop found
Additional information on using the Simulink Debugger in Simulink 8.0 (R2012b) can be found at the following link: