MATLAB: Do I get an nmake error after a Windows Update using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and the Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1


When I try to run a model in Rapid Acclerator mode I get an error. This does not appear when I run in normal mode. I am using Visual Studios 2010 and SDK 7.1 for a compiler. I get similar results if I use the MEX command. The error is:
'nmake' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.
The make command returned an error of 9009
'An_error_occurred_during_the_call_to_make' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file.

Best Answer

The order of installation of Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 matters. Confirm if ‘Microsoft Visual C++ 2010’ was installed BEFORE ‘Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1’. This is important to follow because ‘Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1’ changes the compiler file settings while it installs.
If Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 was installed first, it is recommended to uninstall ‘Microsoft Visual C++ 2010’ and ‘Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1’ and install in the following order
1.Microsoft Visual Studio C++ 2010
2.Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1
Refer to the following solution link for detailed steps on how to go about the installation:
At this point when trying to reinstall Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1, because of an SDK installer bug, the system can get into a state in which adding the “Visual C++ Compilers” will not work. Thus, checking the “Visual C++ Compilers” box results in a failed install attempt.
Refer to the following Microsoft solution which might resolve the issue. Also refer to the README document to have a look at the KNOWN ISSUES with regard to the SDK installer bug and follow the steps relevant to the case:
The bug is described by a Microsoft Knowledge Bank:
Install Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Microsoft Windows SDK 7.1 (in that specific order) successfully and try running the demo model 'sldemo_radar_eml' in the rapid accelerator mode to make sure the solution had the desired effect.
The root of the problem appears to have been a “vulnerability” in the Microsoft SDK installation process; it is sensitive to the order of things being installed/added/removed/updated. The Windows Update must have gone through one of the “unsupported” order-of-events.
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