MATLAB: Do I get an invalid interpreter on the annotation request


TBox10=annotation('textbox',[.13,.39,.17,.085],'String', ...
{'\alpha\Beta\Gamma\delta\epsilon\zeta\eta\theta\iota\kappa', ...
'\Lambda\mu\nu\xi\pi\rho\sigma\tau\upsilon\phi\chi\psi\Omega'}, ...
TBox10 =
TextBox (\alpha\Beta\Gamma\delta\epsilon\zeta\eta\theta\iota\kappa) with properties:
String: {2x1 cell}
FontName: 'Helvetica'
FontSize: 10
FontWeight: 'normal'
Color: [0 0 0]
BackgroundColor: [0.5000 0.5000 1]
EdgeColor: [0 0 0]
LineStyle: '-'
LineWidth: 0.5000
Position: [0.1300 0.3900 0.1700 0.0850]
Units: 'normalized'
Show all properties
Warning: Error updating TextBox.
String must have valid interpreter syntax:

Best Answer

There is no \Beta just B and \beta