MATLAB: Do I get an exit process error when submitting verification to Polyspace Server for C/C++ 8.4 (R2012b)

polyspacePolyspace Code ProverPolyspace Code Prover Server

I was submitting a project from Polyspace client to server. But on the server, verification exits with following unclear warning:
- translating procedure getStatus_EMS_HSC_FrP01 (10308 / 10557)
- translating procedure getCruiseControlActiveHSC (10309 / 10557)
- translating procedure assert (10549 / 10557)
- translating procedure ACC_Init (10550 / 10557)
Some stats on aliases use:
Number of alias writes: 140256
Number of must-alias writes: 127787
Number of pma writes: 127787
Number of alias reads: 0
Number of invisibles: 735
Stats about alias writes:
biggest sets of alias writes: ff_resetting:localB (11238), ff_resetting:localDW (6097), IP24_sig_valid_check:localB (2407)
procedures that write the biggest sets of aliases: ff_resetting (46864), GC (20300), TC (15292)
**** C to intermediate language translation - 18 (P_PT) took 1400.1real, 1400.1u + 0s (36.4gc)
**** C to intermediate language translation - 1 (SCCS in standalone binary)
**** C to intermediate language translation - 1 (SCCS in standalone binary) took 0real, 0u + 0s
Warning: exit process with a status not equal to 0 or 1 (-96)

Best Answer

In log file we have:
- translating procedure ACC_Init (10550 / 10557)
10557 is the number of procedures in the analysis. It is too much. Most of the time having around one to 4 thousand is the maximum that Polyspace would handle.
As workaround, it is definitively a good idea to split analysis.
Please try use -unit-by-unit option in Polyspace:
All Settings > Analysis options > Polyspace inner settings > Run a verification unit by unit.