MATLAB: Do I get an error when using PSBUPDATE on the model created with SimPowerSystems 2.3 (R13)

convertlibrarypowerlib_extraspsbupdater13r14simpowersystemsSimscape Electrical

When I run PSBUPDATE I get the following error:
Conversion of "AB_VbyF_mat7" into SimPowerSystems 3
PSBUPDATE found a block named: AB_VbyF_mat7_updated/6 - pulse
diode bridge
that is linked to the following library: powerlib_extras
You need to specify to PSBUPDATE the name of the corresponding
updated version of this library.
??? Error using ==> psbupdate>FindBlockToConvert
Error in ==> psbupdate at 194
[ReplacementBlock,BlockMaskType,BlockHandle] = FindBlockToConvert(BlockHandle,replaceInfo(i),UserDefinedLibrary);
But powerlib_extras is part of the SimPowerSystems Blockset, and not a custom library that I have updated. Why am I receiving this error?

Best Answer

This bug has been fixed in Release 14 Service Pack 2 (R14SP2). For previous releases, please read below for any possible workarounds:
We have verified that there is a bug in SimPowerSystems 3.1 (R14) in the way that PSBUPDATE handles models with blocks that have become obsolete in the new version.
To work around this issue, disable the library link for the block by right-clicking on the troublesome block and selecting Link Options->Disable Link. Once the model has been updated, you can replace this block with a newer block from the SimPowerSystems library.