MATLAB: Do I get an error when using a S2D file with General Amplifier block in a model using RF Blockset 2.5 (R2009b)

RF Toolbox

I have a Simulink model that contains a General Amplifier block. I configure the attached file "PROTOTYPE_RxXMC.s2d" as the data file to the General amplifier block. When I simulate the model I get the following error:
?? Error using ==> Device>Device.executeRx at 151
Error due to multiple causes.
Error in ==> OOCSC_Loop at 91
objRx.executeRx(err, sktId, tSim, tStart, thisChan.duration(1), mainParam, thisChan);
Caused by:
Error using ==> Device>Device.executeRx at 151
There must be 1 format line(s) starting with '
Error using ==> Device>Device.executeRx at 151
Error in 'ITT_RxModel/Rx_XMC/General Amplifier': Initialization commands cannot be evaluated.

Best Answer

This error occurs because the RF Blockset 2.5 (R2009b) does not support the newer version of S2D file format. The workaround is to manually modify the S2D file to comply with the older version of S2D.